by Christopher Norton | Apr 2, 2021 | Christopher, Martina, Podcasts
On April 1st, 2021 (the day before this was published) we launched a one-day, over-the-top, and completely fake campaign for Potomac NFTs. In this episode of Build in Public, our marketing team breaks down their April Fools’ meme: HOW we built it WHY we built it...
by Manish Khatta | Mar 29, 2021 | Christopher, Jeff, Jen, Manish, Podcasts
2021 has seen a dynamic evolution of Potomac’s business and phenomenal growth in this podcast, but (we) don’t quit no! (we) just press harder: Build in Public Operational Advancements Marketing Engagement New Managers New Hires What’s Next We hope you...
by Manish Khatta | Mar 17, 2021 | Christopher, Manish, Podcasts
We’re back! More news, more gossip. What’s overrated? What’s underrated? We rank: Apex goes public YCharts adds SMA data Orion buys Hidden Levers Riskalyze launches Build My Tech Stack Walmart rolls out FinTech We hope you enjoy and follow us on this journey!Subscribe...
by Christopher Norton | Mar 12, 2021 | Christopher, Martina, Podcasts
Financial Advisors often ask us about marketing, but we don’t sell marketing services. So, since we’ve always valued transparency, we figured why don’t we just show you what we do? The successes, the failures, all of it. In the first episode of this new series, we set...
by Manish Khatta | Mar 5, 2021 | Christopher, Jeff, Jen, Kaitlyn, Martina, Podcasts
Ever wish you read more? We did, so we started a book club. This series from the Conquer Risk Podcast will feature the full Potomac team, as we explore stories (we hope) will make us better at what we do. In our inaugural episode, we share our takeaways from...
by Manish Khatta | Feb 12, 2021 | Christopher, Manish, Podcasts
Welcome to a new series from the Conquer Risk Podcast. There is so much news flying around, we barely have time to process it all. What’s overrated? What’s underrated? We rank: TD Ameritrade Customer Service SEC Advisor Testimonial Rule Vise Recent Round of Funding...