Who Charted? (E5) The Market vs. Internals

Who Charted? (E5)
The Market vs. Internals

We’re back with another episode of Who Charted? Manish Khatta and Dan Russo, CMT, are giving you six charts… in six minutes. The clock is ticking, and we’ve got some big charts coming your way. So, Who Charted? We hope you enjoy and follow us on this journey!...
Good as Hell  (S4 E23)

Good as Hell
(S4 E23)

While not without challenges, if there was one song to describe our second quarter it would be that Lizzo earworm you just can’t get out of your head (even if Manish doesn’t have any hair to toss). As we enter Q3, the Potomac Leadership Team sits down to discuss major...
Who Charted? (E4) Risk Off or Just a Pause?

Who Charted? (E4)
Risk Off or Just a Pause?

We’re back with another episode of Who Charted? Manish Khatta and Dan Russo, CMT are giving you six charts… in six minutes. The clock is ticking, and we’ve got some big charts coming your way. So, Who Charted? We hope you enjoy and follow us on this journey! Subscribe...
Tools to Build a Successful RIA  (S4 E22)

Tools to Build a Successful RIA
(S4 E22)

From Financial Advisors, to FinTech providers, to industry contacts of all sorts, one question that regularly comes up is what tools we use to run our business. We get it, because when we’re looking, the first place we go is to our peers. So, we decided to commit an...