The Life (and Death?) of Mutual Funds (S1 E16)

The Life (and Death?) of Mutual Funds
(S1 E16)

In our sixteenth episode we discuss whether Mutual Funds are dying a slow death: Our perspective as a money manager using Mutual Funds for over 30 years Why they were created and what lead to their rise How ETFs have disrupted the industry, and their Pros & Cons...
The Podcast (Podcast) S1 E15

The Podcast (Podcast)
S1 E15

In our fifteenth episode we answer questions about the genesis of the Conquer Risk podcast, and what we’ve learned since launch: Why we chose to do a podcast, and the benefits of the medium Roadblocks we’ve encountered, and how they were overcome Why we...
The Race to Zero (S1 E14)

The Race to Zero
(S1 E14)

In our fourteenth episode we discuss zero trading costs: What’s behind the free trade concept? Is this corporate generosity? Or is it made up elsewhere? What new opportunities become available to advisors and their clients? We hope you enjoy and follow us on...
Acquisition Opportunities (and Challenges) S1 E13

Acquisition Opportunities (and Challenges)
S1 E13

In our thirteenth episode we sit down with guest Alex Chalekian to discuss: Alex and Lake Avenue Financial’s big announcement with Integrated Partners. Alex’s experience gained through previous Advisor acquisitions. What opportunities and challenges can be...
Passive Investing – The Next Bubble? (S1 E12)

Passive Investing – The Next Bubble?
(S1 E12)

In our twelfth episode we discuss: Does popularity drive bubbles? Is passive investing creating a bubble? What could the future look like with passive and active investing? We hope you enjoy and follow us on this journey! Subscribe in Google Podcasts Subscribe in...
A Look at Bear Market Funds (S1 E11)

A Look at Bear Market Funds
(S1 E11)

As a companion to our recent blog post, in this episode we discuss: What Is a Bear Market Fund? Who uses them and why? How can this help grow your business? We hope you enjoy and follow us on this journey! Subscribe in Google Podcasts Subscribe in Apple Podcasts...