Things  Change


At various times, and in various media, over the course of the third quarter we have made reference to some version of the phrase “it’s all about bonds.” As we enter the fourth quarter, that still remains the case. But what does that mean? I am not...
A Perfectly  Normal Year

A Perfectly
Normal Year

First and foremost, this is not a post about politics. The second you let your political views (not analysis) drive your investment decisions, you have already lost. However, there are distinct trading patterns that tend to play out over the four years known as the...
What Does it Mean to be Extended?

What Does it Mean
to be Extended?

We often hear Wall Street analysts and media pundits bemoan that a certain stock or index is extended.  Intuitively, we know what that means; usually, it is that the stock or the index has moved up or down, substantially, in a very short period. Ultimately anyone who...
My Take on a Legend’sInvestment Rules

My Take on a Legend’s
Investment Rules

“Don’t Fight the Fed” is a rule that we have all heard numerous times in our careers. It is the rule for which Dr. Martin Zweig is most famous. However, Dr. Marty had 16 other rules that he developed in this illustrious tenure as a money manager. According to Mark...
And the Loser NowWill Be Later to Win…

And the Loser Now
Will Be Later to Win…

No one knows for sure if the “times they are a-changin’,” but that Bob Dylan line came to mind when I looked at the chart below. It depicts the performance of the NASDAQ 100 index broken into candles that represent the first and second halves of the...