Potomac was
built to conquer risk

The year was 1987, and the world was ready for active risk management.

Potomac is a registered investment advisor founded in 1987. Our firm is a pioneer in active risk-managed investing with the experience and expertise to help clients align the correct allocation for any given market condition. Potomac understands that every investor is unique, but each want to avoid catastrophic losses.

Over 35 years later, we’re still at it.

We offer a selection of tactical strategies for building and preserving wealth—so you can match the right strategy or combination of strategies to each investor’s needs.

This is also why we designed our strategies to help limit devastating losses that can be hard to recover from. Our strategies are managed by a team of tenured investment professionals led by our firm’s CEO/CIO, Manish Khatta, along with Dan Russo, CMT, and Jeff Goodnow.

Just do the right thing, and the rest will take care of itself.


Our people give us the drive, the experience, and the passion to bring you an unparalleled RIA experience.

Leadership Team

The badge of our Bull Bear strategy

Manish Khatta

Chief Executive Officer
Chief Investment Officer

The badge of our Navigrowth strategy

Jennifer Burton

Chief Operations Officer

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Jeff Goodnow

Chief Growth Officer

The badge of our Bull Bear strategy

Christopher Norton

Chief Marketing Officer


The badge of our income plus strategy

Dan Russo, CMT®

Portfolio Manager
Director of Research

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Tyler Lovingood, CMT®

Research Associate


The badge of our Guardian strategy

Kaitlyn Humphries

Director of Operations

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Suzanne Knobel

Operations Associate

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Annie Watson

Operations Associate

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Kolby White

Operations Associate

The badge of our income plus strategy

Justin Long

Chief Compliance Officer

The badge of our income plus strategy

Nick McDaniel

Chief of Staff

The badge of our income plus strategy

Chuck Patterson

Senior Software Developer

The badge of our income plus strategy

Jeffrey Schropp

Compliance Associate


The badge of our income plus strategy

Rima Sheth

Communication Associate


The badge of our income plus strategy

Michael Rogers

Director of External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

John Saunders

Director of Internal Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Chase Smith

Director of Key Accounts

The badge of our income plus strategy

Jonathan Ciampa

External Sales

The badge of our income plus strategy

Vernon Cowell

Internal Sales

The badge of our income plus strategy

Bally Diakite

Internal Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Jack Fecko

External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Jon Ferraiolo

External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Brian Garrette

External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Anthony Gonzales

External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

John Hoard

Internal Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Wes McCrimmon

Internal Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Michael Mogavero

External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Andrew Park

Internal Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Mark Ruhe

External Sales

The badge of our Guardian strategy

Deep Singh

Internal Sales

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.